Staff And Their Cats
The Chatswood Cat Palace is Sydney’s premier cat grooming facility, owned and operated by renowned cat-whisperer Dr Kim Kendall.
Your cat’s comfort – both physical and mental – is paramount, whether they are enjoying a Wash and blow dry or a full pamper with clipping and oxywash, your cat will be kept as comfortable as possible. Some cats are more sociable than others, which is why we put every effort into making sure a grooming session at our kitty day-spa is as relaxing and as peaceful for your cat as possible.
At The Chatswood Cat Palace, we know cats – in fact, it’s fair to say that no-one knows cats like Dr Kim, who is the only cat vet in Australia that is also qualified in cat behaviour. It’s this intimate understanding of cat psychology that sets us apart.
But it isn’t just a job to us, we love cats too! Everyone here has a genuine love for all your feline friends – that’s why LOVE features so strongly in our logo – it’s a big part of our service here. It’s not for sale, but we give it freely to all our kitty clients. We find they start to love us back and pretty soon their trip to the groomers or boudoir becomes a happy experience they can look forward to.
Dr Kim’s TV appearances!
Medical & Grooming

Dr Kim Kendall is a vet, no surprise there. But not only that, Dr Kim is an Applied Cat Behaviourist, with unrivalled experience in cats and the reasons behind the way they interact with us and with each other. Such a dedicated background in feline behaviour is highly unusual anywhere, and especialy in Australia, with Dr Kim’s opinion being highly sought after all over the world. She regularly appears on panels discussing both cats and more general animal treatment and welfare, and is considered one of the foremost feline experts around today.
Like all trained veterinarians, her training and background is in general vet care, but Dr Kim now practises solely in the realm of the one animal humans can never truly master, the humble (and not-so-humble!) felis catus.
Our hope here at The Cat Palace is that we can help to educate cat owners on how to give the best practical care to their cat, enabling a long and happy relationship and a healthier than average cat. Cats do get sick, there’s nothing any of us can do to put an end to that, but we hope the information we provide here can help at least to minimise or delay any of the all too many conditions and diseases which our felines can suffer from. Just small changes to the living environment and ongoing care can make a massive difference.
NOTE: Clinical appointments are strictly by pre-arranged appointment only. Dr Kim is not in attendance all day every day due to other commitments, and so walk-in consultations are not possible. Please contact us for further information.
For more details, see our MEDICAL page.

As our environment becomes more crowded, so the air around us becomes more and more packed with the kind of stuff that makes a cat’s fur more dirty and sticky than ever before. Even though various initiatives tray and clean the air we breathe, the fact is that more people means more airborne particles.
For a cat, this means self-grooming becomes increasingly difficult at certain times of year as we add pollen and other natural contaminants to those people create with our cars, air conditioning or even through our daily jobs. Although younger cats in short haired breeds will cope quite happily (assuming no mobility issues), older cats or those with long hair will struggle to groom sufficiently and their fur can end up in poor condition and tangled to the point where grooming or even just moving becomes painful.
At The Cat Palace, we specialise in treating such problems, and can leave your feline friend as clean as a purry whistle!
Many grooming facilities routinely sedate cats to make the task quicker and easier for the groomer, but we think a little differently at The Cat Palace. Whenever possible, we try not to sedate a cat as this can bring problems of its own and, and will only do so in extreme circumstances where there is a potential risk of injury to the cat. We’ll offer advice on how to reduce the effect of the environment on a cat’s fur, with tips on what you can do to keep your bestie happy and comfortable.
For more details, see our GROOMING page.
From Our Blog
Longevity 2024
Long Live FAT Cats? The data is in! Fat Cats DO live longer!
Dr Kim’s Doings 2024
THANK YOU for your support over the last few months! Dr Kim is
Cats Get Arthritis Too! And now there’s Solensia as well as Meloxicam!
Yes, it's still summer but does the COLD WEATHER make your cat FREEZE