Kitten Klasses and Cat Conversations! Ready for a new feline friend? Kitten, adolescent or adult? Want to know Why Does my Cat Do That? Bypass the contradictory claims on Google! Get right to the heart of competent and caring cat management !

The Cafe Cats, Dr Kim and the Palace team are hosting Kitten Klasses and Cat Conversations again. But in a world first – you can attend without a kitten! How does that work?

If you, or any of your friends and FaceBook contacts are Konsidering, or have recently adopted, a Kitten (or any kind of feline friend), then you can all come along to TWO lessons to eduCATe you on managing a moggy or two in the urban environment. You will be eduCATed by experts, and will be taught the tricks of pilling, nail clipping and grooming on the Cafe Cats and shelter kittens! Call Abby at the Palace for details of fees and registrations. Children, parents, friends of all kinds are welcome to attend the Kitten Klasses – even just for fun! Groups are limited in numbers so plan ahead – phone 9417 3329. WE KNOW CATS (and love them dearly!)